Monday, October 19

"The Toilet Seat"

The much debated Toilet Seat debacle, let's see what our columnists had to say...

Danny: Honestly, relationships are all about making sacrifices, and this should be a very small one. Guys, all you have to do is just put it back down, that's it. It's a small amount of effort for a small request. This shouldn't be a big deal, most guys are too stubborn or too full of pride to honor this small detail, just know that this can be skimmed over easily if you just make the effort.

Smerch: I agree with Danny in that this should not be a big deal, but not in the same way. It shouldn't be a big deal because both men and women have the power to move the toilet seat... and if we forget, just move it yourselves. Seriously there are some stupid issues and this is one of the big ones. Ladies, we know you don't like this, and we don't always mean to leave it up, but you have to understand.... most of us males have been leaving the seat up since we learned how to pee. Relationships ARE about making sacrifices, and sometimes that means the man in the relationship has to start remembering to put the seat back down... and sometimes it means that the woman has to let it go, and bring the seat back down by herself.

D Streetz: Aww heeeell naww. Fuck this shit. Dont even get up in my face about this shit. Last bitch that tried to tell me to put the seat back down... well, she got a lil taste of some D Streetz BACKHAND, know what im sayin? We all know they is just jealous that they gotta sit down every time they urinate. Bitches, don't be hatin just cause we got it easier than you, and definitely dont get up in my grill about it. Waste of my time.

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