Sunday, December 7

First post: woohoo.

Ever get that feeling when you just want every stupid person alive to stop talking? Yup. I'm tired of it too. Your mouth is for (amongst other things) talking, not a constant flow of shit that no one wants to have anything to do with. Your mouth is a filter, not a funnel. Deal with it.

Just when i think im getting used to it, someone with and even BIGGER funnel with an even SMALLER brain comes along. Working at Lifetime fitness hasn't exactly helped my odds. When i work at the rock climbing wall there is a lot of downtime, which usually consists of conversing whatever R rated topic my co-workers and I can come up with. Some kids who (for obvious reasons) have no friends have figured out that we basically get paid to socialize, and they want in. So we have to be friendly to these bagels because 1. We are already getting paid to do nothing 2. Telling them to go away is laughable 3. If we actually hurt them we are canned.

Honestly I probably really could do something about it if I wanted to, but it would take massive amounts of scheming, which i dont have the desire or the drive to do.

Cherch of Smerch enlightenment #1: Think often and speak rarely. For when less words are spoken, the greater the impact they have.

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