Thursday, May 14


EDITORS NOTE: I wrote this back in May and never posted it. Enjoy!

Its pretty sad how the only time I am motivated to blog is when I am avoiding studying/papers/anything school related. This is my last semester of college... so its likely you will never hear from me again. ha

Remember life without the internet? No? then you are young and you are making me feel old.

yeah i barely remember it, back then you had to WORK to procrastinate back then. yeah i said it. Procrastination is way too easy these days. When i was a kid, i had to get up and find some old magazines to read... and I wasn't even that into them. That is procrastination commitment right there. All you procrastinators out there know what im talking about... sometimes you just cannot work on what you are supposed to.

The internet has made some school aspects easier... but also made procrastinating waayy easier.

Wait this just in.... for 15 minutes earlier today, All of Asia lost thier internet completely. And for those 15 minutes people did productive things.

....ok so that didnt really happen. but hey imagine it right?

actually people wouldnt be productive if that happened. Im 99.99% sure they would spend those 15 minutes freaking out about how the internet is down.

Would it really be so bad?

Do me a favor, the next time you feel like the internet is taking over your life ... between trips from facebook, to wikipedia, to this blog, to that video of the black guy saying he wants some waffle fries.... just stop. Sit up, walk away, and go do something. It doesnt matter what it is, it could be productive or downright meaningless. Don't think about what you are going to do when you sit back down at your computer, just go and do something.... in fact I am going to do that right now.

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