Thursday, January 15

Cold Cold Cold

I dont care how cliche it is to complain about the cold, I am going to fucking complain. Do not assume for one second I would rather live in California or Florida... most of the whack jobs that live there are either 1) People that are obsessed with the weather and nothing else. or 2) Old people. And frankly, I'm not a fan of either 1 or 2.

I love the Chi (Chicago for you old people), and if I had to choose a blistering hot day or an unbelievably frigidly cold day, I would say , "Bring on the heat, Bitch!"

Some may argue that, if the current weather was hot, that I would be whining about the hot/humid weather, praying to the god(s) that an early winter was right around the corner.


Even in summer, I bask in its humid glory and make every attempt to appreciate the possibilities with the wonderful weather (theres nothing quite like a warm summer night). And if its too hot, we always have Lake Michigan.
You may be asking "So, why stick around Chicago when you could move somewhere warmer?... because from my point of view you seem as just as weather-obsessed as any Californian".

Well, I'll tell you why.

Yes yes people in California do have great weather year-round, and as nice as that sounds its just not for me. Let me explain. Not only would you be having to deal with weather-obsessed individuals (many of them very fake and obsessed with posessions) and old people, but you wouldn't be able to appreciate the beauty and feel of the weather. See, here in chicago, we get a pretty full-on taste of all the different seasons, every one has their own particular taste when it comes to what temperature in what time of year, but we still respect the other seasons we don't favor.

Now I'm pretty passionate about my love for summer, but my hate for winter is not as great. Yes winter is nice for some reasons: you get to wear different styles, the snow is pretty, hot mudslides by a fire.... these are all nice, just not enough to make me really enjoy winter. However, I do like the winter because it makes me appreciate the summer that much more. When spring is in full effect and summer is right around the corner, I cant help but feel that bubble of anticipation growing eagerly inside of me, just waiting to burst. If i lived in Cali, there would be no anticipation, no eagerness, because it would be summer all the time.

So you see, it really is a good thing we have so many seasons here in Chicago. If you dont like the season we are in... well just wait a couple months, we'll change the season for you in no time.

And as much as I hate to admit it, I think some small part of me would miss the snow.

I'm Dan Smerch, Love Life Everyone

Cherch of Smerch Enlightenment #3: Remember to look at the bad things with an objective eye, for without them, the good things would not be so good.

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