Sunday, November 7

Dan Smerch's guide to Binge Drinking, Chaper 1:

Everyone has their own style of drinking. I know people that can do some pretty advanced drinking techniques. If your the type of drinker who can have a few irish car bombs between beers, kudos, but I will not be covering that kind of stuff til later on. Obviously, alcohol is something you can be pretty reckless with. I could start this off with a surgeon general's warning, but.... eh.....

DAN SMERCH's GENERAL WARNING: This post and the ones following can show you how to be a successful binge drinker. Disregarding this information will most likely leave you in a 24 hour McDonalds bathroom.

Before heading out for a night soon to be filled with shots and chugging, be sure to prepare beforehand. A good meal is CRUCIAL to binge drinking. I have seen fellow BDers skip the crucial meal, and it never ends well. On the flipside, stuffing your face or eating the wrong kind of food can get ugly as well. A meal on the smallish side 1 to 2 hours before you drink is optimal. Keep carbs to a minium and make sure there is plenty of protein. Dont make the meal too big or you will be struggling to consume booze. Eat too little and you will get drunk too quick and likely end up hugging the toilet.

Avoid Beans. Beans in high quantities are about on of the worst things you can eat before a night of BDing. You will regret it that evening and the morning following. You want to avoid fast food, and especially avoid Taco Bell. Taco Bell is beans and fast food combined. If this were a guide to being hungover or being high I would endorse Taco Bell as much as possible. But for a night with numerous drinks to be consumed, avoid it like the plague. I am a fan of a roast beef sandwich and a glass of V8.

When purchasing alcohol (legally AND illegally) its important to ask yourself. How drunk do i want to get? Why do i want to drink? Who will I be drinking with? Where will I be drinking? Answering these questions is important, as they will ultimately answer the final question: What do I drink?

How drunk do I want to get? This is usually an easy answer for me and my friends... FUCKIN WASTED! Maybe you have an exam in the morning, maybe you have an early engagement, maybe you just dont want to drink that much. Here's the deal, if you were really that worried about that exam, you wouldn't be out drinking in the first place. The party animal inside you wants to be unleashed and you have to decide whether to hold on tight to the leash or just let it go. The more you drink the more likely the latter will take place. Maybe you just cage the beast for the night, and make sure you party extra hard the next night, there's no shame in that. But if you think you can just go out and have a few drinks then call it a night, thats no fun for anyone and I have no advice for you. This is Dan Smerch's guide to binge drinking, Not Dan Smerch's guide to being a little bitch.

stay tuned for the Why, Who and Where.

Wednesday, September 1

Thoughts in the moonlight

What is it about the nighttime? People like my parents are so different in the day than when the sun is down. During light hours, they are so productive. Anything and everything they do furthers some sort of objective, whether that objective is not far off or many years down the road. At night however, its funtime. Whether it's drinks with friends (reminiscing about the productiveness earlier that day, as if they were never going to be that productive again), or just watching a movie.

I often find myself depressed at night, wondering where my life is headed. If I have been drinking or smoking weed, the thoughts usually crossing my mind are related to either sex or food (and how to obtain either the fastest way possible). Keep in mind its not usually til an hour or two before I go to bed that these negative thoughts start bouncing around the room, but it is so consistent... why is that?

I just finished watching The Rainmaker, I always appreciate a good courtroom drama, no matter how ridiculous. At first it made me glad that I did not pursue a career in Law, I can only imagine the choices I would have had to make. I assume John Grisham touches on this subject in almost all of his novels, choosing to defend a man clearly guilty of .... well anything... just so I could put food on the table is a burden I would never ever want to bear. I would just loose my appetite, oh sweet irony.

And of course, per usual, if I watch any good movie, by myself, late at night, I get waaay too into it. My first thoughts walking away from it are along the lines of ..."I want to help people too... Corperate Execs are such awful people... I would make sure people dont get away with things like this..." Even now as reality sets in, I still feel the optimism coursing through my veins.

But... Tomorrow when I wake up, I will have no such feelings as I do now. I already know it.

I sit here, with the ache. The ache I know how to cure, but will not do so.

The ache... knowing that I have any and every ability... to help people

...knowing that I have the ability... to make a serious difference in anything that I see fit

...knowing that I can do whatever I want with my life. Then I realize, that probably...knowing is all I will ever do.

So I sit here...

Monday, October 19

"The Toilet Seat"

The much debated Toilet Seat debacle, let's see what our columnists had to say...

Danny: Honestly, relationships are all about making sacrifices, and this should be a very small one. Guys, all you have to do is just put it back down, that's it. It's a small amount of effort for a small request. This shouldn't be a big deal, most guys are too stubborn or too full of pride to honor this small detail, just know that this can be skimmed over easily if you just make the effort.

Smerch: I agree with Danny in that this should not be a big deal, but not in the same way. It shouldn't be a big deal because both men and women have the power to move the toilet seat... and if we forget, just move it yourselves. Seriously there are some stupid issues and this is one of the big ones. Ladies, we know you don't like this, and we don't always mean to leave it up, but you have to understand.... most of us males have been leaving the seat up since we learned how to pee. Relationships ARE about making sacrifices, and sometimes that means the man in the relationship has to start remembering to put the seat back down... and sometimes it means that the woman has to let it go, and bring the seat back down by herself.

D Streetz: Aww heeeell naww. Fuck this shit. Dont even get up in my face about this shit. Last bitch that tried to tell me to put the seat back down... well, she got a lil taste of some D Streetz BACKHAND, know what im sayin? We all know they is just jealous that they gotta sit down every time they urinate. Bitches, don't be hatin just cause we got it easier than you, and definitely dont get up in my grill about it. Waste of my time.

Thursday, October 15

Man Vs. Woman

I came across this article today while avoiding studying and I couldn't help but just think of how pathetic our "rules" of society have become. Everyone is different in their own way, but of course that doesn't stop the ridiculous amounts of "advice" columns in todays newspapers and magazines. Here's the article:

"Should she offer to pay?

She Said:

If he asked her out, no. If she asked him out, yes (or at the very least offer). If a couple has been on several dates, the woman should insist on paying here and there. Men like to wine and dine women, but they also like it when a woman steps in and does something nice for them. When a woman pays the bill, it says “I like you and I want to do something nice for you.”

He Said:

We do think this is a sweet gesture and it goes a long way as to the type of woman you are if you do offer to pay. This is a potential indication as to how high maintenance you are going to be, depending on how many dates we have been on. Of course we will not let you pay until we are at a comfortable relationship stage that is well beyond the initial stages of dating. Ladies, if you do want to do something sweet, as far as a dinner is concerned, surprise us and grab carry out from somewhere. This does not make us feel the pressure to always pay and shows you are willing to pay for dinner occasionally. A very kind gesture in which we are not put in a situation where we feel like we have to offer to pay."

--Now both sides have valid points, but to me... its just silly. Unless you haven't had a date in a long time or have difficulty understanding the opposite sex (i guess you could resort to advice columns), you should be able to figure things out in your own unique way.

That being said, I've decided to come up with my own little advice column. Men buying dinner wasn't the only issue addressed, topics such as "the phone call" and "leaving the toilet seat up" will be discussed. And as I stumble upon more "grand questions" I will be posting the question and giving my input... right here in this very blog.

But then I got to thinking... it would be somewhat hypocritical to make fun of advice columns, and then start one of my own.

Now I'm really excited for this and have no intention of putting it to a halt... so I've decided to separate my advice column from others in a fun way.

With each issue or topic addressed, I will adopt three different personalities to respond to the topic at hand. Let's meet them, shall we?

--A "nice" guy. Very affected by all the romantic comedies he watched while growing up. Is dead set on the fact that if you are nice, sweet, and sensitive to the ladies, you will find the one you are looking for. Unfortunately this outlook has been the result of Danny getting almost no ass whatsoever. It has gotten him slight respect among women. But his male friends would say he has "no balls" and "probably hasn't made it to third base". Despite this, he gets by in life very well, though he may not get a lot of action, he has respect on his side.

--Tries very hard to view things objectively. Though he still has a very male outlook, he attempts to see things from both sides of the issue. The problem is, a male doesn't know exactly how women think. He knows that in order to get ass, you must be an asshole, and if you care for someone, treat them nicely. Gets mixed reviews from men and women.

D Streetz:
--A badass mofo that leaned early to fuck bitches and get money. D Streetz dont take shit from no one. He was dumped early in life by a major slut, and he soon figured out that just by being his cocky ass self, he has gotten a lot of (as he would say) "pusssaaayy". His attitude has earned him a lot of disrespect especially from the female community, but that doesn't stop him from getting with their hot friends. He will load a girl up with drinks, take her home, get busy, (before waking her up he makes sure that she does not have his number in her phone) and give her the boot at nine am and give her no cab fare.

Now that we know our columnists... let's see what they have to say in regards to the whole dinner thing.

"Should she offer to pay?

Danny: "Oh no, I mean, maayybe if they have been together for a while but even then that should not be the way it works. A man should sweep her off her feet and treat her right no matter what. Especially when it comes to paying for dinner. Pick up that tab, and you pick up that respect."

Smerch: "Honestly it shouldn't matter. If you are comfortable with the person you should be able to discuss things like this openly. Maybe if it is the first date, but even then most women are very reasonable and often splitting the bill is no big deal. If you've been dating for a while, it would be nice to do something nice for her and pay the bill, but there are far more important issues. Guys, ladies, don't loose sleep over this issue."

D Streetz: "Heeeell yeeaa she should offer to pay, if she dont... she dont know who I am. I am D STREETZ MUTHA FUCKA. The only way I will pay for a bitches dinner is if she a straight up hooker. But D Streetz don't pay for no sack attack, he earn it on his own time, you feel me?

And fellas, what the hell you doin wining and dining this ho anyway?? You know that chicken fettuccine alfredo ain't gonna loosen up them pants. You know what does? Alcohol. And a lot of it. Ask them girls out to a bar, so if the one you've been eyein turns out to be stuck up, you can move in on one of her skanky ass friends. Theres always the skanky one. Always."


Keep an eye on Smerch St and look forward to hearing more from Danny, Smerch, and D Streetz.

Thursday, May 14


EDITORS NOTE: I wrote this back in May and never posted it. Enjoy!

Its pretty sad how the only time I am motivated to blog is when I am avoiding studying/papers/anything school related. This is my last semester of college... so its likely you will never hear from me again. ha

Remember life without the internet? No? then you are young and you are making me feel old.

yeah i barely remember it, back then you had to WORK to procrastinate back then. yeah i said it. Procrastination is way too easy these days. When i was a kid, i had to get up and find some old magazines to read... and I wasn't even that into them. That is procrastination commitment right there. All you procrastinators out there know what im talking about... sometimes you just cannot work on what you are supposed to.

The internet has made some school aspects easier... but also made procrastinating waayy easier.

Wait this just in.... for 15 minutes earlier today, All of Asia lost thier internet completely. And for those 15 minutes people did productive things.

....ok so that didnt really happen. but hey imagine it right?

actually people wouldnt be productive if that happened. Im 99.99% sure they would spend those 15 minutes freaking out about how the internet is down.

Would it really be so bad?

Do me a favor, the next time you feel like the internet is taking over your life ... between trips from facebook, to wikipedia, to this blog, to that video of the black guy saying he wants some waffle fries.... just stop. Sit up, walk away, and go do something. It doesnt matter what it is, it could be productive or downright meaningless. Don't think about what you are going to do when you sit back down at your computer, just go and do something.... in fact I am going to do that right now.

Tuesday, March 3

Cherch of Smerch "Cleansing"

It's been a while since my last post, there have been numerous things I wished to discuss. Like smoking pot and getting old, but it's getting around to a Time of year where the snow melts, moods get better, mating season, passover and Lent, spring cleaning... in essence... change.

I've always felt Spring was a sort of "upswing", a new start and a new year, open to new ideas and theories (and maybe even acting on those ideas/theories).

So in the spirit of this new time of year, I am starting a new Cherch of Smerch tradition. Its time to do something you've always thought of doing, but never really felt really necessary or too difficult, for the next 30 days or so.... called "Cleansing". Yes you could compare this to Lent, but I challenge you to go a bit further. This is a time to do something for yourself, rather than for Jeesus or whatever god/son of god you feel you owe something too. This would be something that would benefit you, and the others around you. And although it may seem difficult, know that you are doing a good thing, and it won't do any harm to try something new to (hopefully) better yourself in the long run. ..... giving up chocolate (or something similarly lame) will not suffice. Jesus wouldnt appreciate that and neither would I. .... and really, you can do better than that.

Me personally? I am not talking shit about people for a month. This will be especially difficult at work, where it happens a lot. Typically I don't do it as much elsewhere, but my co-workers tend to talk a lot of shit, usually about other co-workers or Members of the Gym (I work at lifetime fitness), and I get easily sucked in. I dont know specifically what I hope to achieve, but I know that talking shit never did any good, and doesnt really benefit anybody in any real way. I suppose that, ultimately, I hope that it will lead me to be more open with people, Instead of holding whatever grudge I may have with whomever inside.

Cherch of Smerch Enlightenment #4: Be nice, have fun.

Thursday, January 15

Cold Cold Cold

I dont care how cliche it is to complain about the cold, I am going to fucking complain. Do not assume for one second I would rather live in California or Florida... most of the whack jobs that live there are either 1) People that are obsessed with the weather and nothing else. or 2) Old people. And frankly, I'm not a fan of either 1 or 2.

I love the Chi (Chicago for you old people), and if I had to choose a blistering hot day or an unbelievably frigidly cold day, I would say , "Bring on the heat, Bitch!"

Some may argue that, if the current weather was hot, that I would be whining about the hot/humid weather, praying to the god(s) that an early winter was right around the corner.


Even in summer, I bask in its humid glory and make every attempt to appreciate the possibilities with the wonderful weather (theres nothing quite like a warm summer night). And if its too hot, we always have Lake Michigan.
You may be asking "So, why stick around Chicago when you could move somewhere warmer?... because from my point of view you seem as just as weather-obsessed as any Californian".

Well, I'll tell you why.

Yes yes people in California do have great weather year-round, and as nice as that sounds its just not for me. Let me explain. Not only would you be having to deal with weather-obsessed individuals (many of them very fake and obsessed with posessions) and old people, but you wouldn't be able to appreciate the beauty and feel of the weather. See, here in chicago, we get a pretty full-on taste of all the different seasons, every one has their own particular taste when it comes to what temperature in what time of year, but we still respect the other seasons we don't favor.

Now I'm pretty passionate about my love for summer, but my hate for winter is not as great. Yes winter is nice for some reasons: you get to wear different styles, the snow is pretty, hot mudslides by a fire.... these are all nice, just not enough to make me really enjoy winter. However, I do like the winter because it makes me appreciate the summer that much more. When spring is in full effect and summer is right around the corner, I cant help but feel that bubble of anticipation growing eagerly inside of me, just waiting to burst. If i lived in Cali, there would be no anticipation, no eagerness, because it would be summer all the time.

So you see, it really is a good thing we have so many seasons here in Chicago. If you dont like the season we are in... well just wait a couple months, we'll change the season for you in no time.

And as much as I hate to admit it, I think some small part of me would miss the snow.

I'm Dan Smerch, Love Life Everyone

Cherch of Smerch Enlightenment #3: Remember to look at the bad things with an objective eye, for without them, the good things would not be so good.