Tuesday, March 3

Cherch of Smerch "Cleansing"

It's been a while since my last post, there have been numerous things I wished to discuss. Like smoking pot and getting old, but it's getting around to a Time of year where the snow melts, moods get better, mating season, passover and Lent, spring cleaning... in essence... change.

I've always felt Spring was a sort of "upswing", a new start and a new year, open to new ideas and theories (and maybe even acting on those ideas/theories).

So in the spirit of this new time of year, I am starting a new Cherch of Smerch tradition. Its time to do something you've always thought of doing, but never really felt really necessary or too difficult, for the next 30 days or so.... called "Cleansing". Yes you could compare this to Lent, but I challenge you to go a bit further. This is a time to do something for yourself, rather than for Jeesus or whatever god/son of god you feel you owe something too. This would be something that would benefit you, and the others around you. And although it may seem difficult, know that you are doing a good thing, and it won't do any harm to try something new to (hopefully) better yourself in the long run. ..... giving up chocolate (or something similarly lame) will not suffice. Jesus wouldnt appreciate that and neither would I. .... and really, you can do better than that.

Me personally? I am not talking shit about people for a month. This will be especially difficult at work, where it happens a lot. Typically I don't do it as much elsewhere, but my co-workers tend to talk a lot of shit, usually about other co-workers or Members of the Gym (I work at lifetime fitness), and I get easily sucked in. I dont know specifically what I hope to achieve, but I know that talking shit never did any good, and doesnt really benefit anybody in any real way. I suppose that, ultimately, I hope that it will lead me to be more open with people, Instead of holding whatever grudge I may have with whomever inside.

Cherch of Smerch Enlightenment #4: Be nice, have fun.